Member: The International Water Association (IWA) (March 2021 to present): The International Water Association (IWA) is an open, yet ordered platform in which both innovators and adopters of new technologies and approaches can generate creative friction. It is a place for diffusion, benchmarking and evidence. (Membership number: 1624888)
Member: International co-operative programme on assessment and monitoring of air pollution effects on forests (ICP Forest) (March 2021 to present): ICP Forests was launched in 1985 under the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (Air Convention, formerly CLRTAP) of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and beyond.
Member: International Long-Term Ecological Research Network (ILTER) Executive Committee (September 2019 to present): ILTER fosters long-term global-scale investigations of major ecosystems and socio-ecological systems to support knowledge-based decision making at various levels concerning ecosystem services and biodiversity.
Officer: International Management office (IMO) for ILTER (April 2019 to present): ILTER meetings, including minute taking, set up of virtual meeting tools etc., and it handles central communication, such as mailing lists and circulars and ILTER correspondence.
Member: Japan Long- Term Ecological Research (JaLTER) (September 2019 to present): 日本長期生態学研究ネットワーク(JaLTER:Japan Long-Term Ecological Research Network)は,変動環境下における生態系の機能や動態を長期的な観測や野外実験によって明らかにするとともに,野外調査地(サイトと呼びます)や研究施設を互いに利活用した環境教育を実施するための学際的なサイトネットワークとして,2006年11月に発足しました。人間社会的側面を含む生態学的研究に関する学際的な長期,大規模な調査・観測を推進することにより,自然環境,生物多様性,生物生産,生態系サービスの保全や向上,持続可能性に寄与する適切な科学的データや知見を社会に提供することを目的としています。2007年8月には国際LTER(ILTER)にも加盟し,国際的な研究交流や人材交流を通じて生態系に関する世界的な課題にも取り組んでいます。
Member: Reviewer Board Member of MDPI journals (March 2018 to present): MDPI-Publisher of Open Access Journals: A pioneer in scholarly open access publishing, MDPI has supported academic communities since 1996. Based in Basel, Switzerland, MDPI.
Member: Global Land Program (GLP) (August 2014 to present): GLP is an interdisciplinary community of science and practice fostering the study of land systems and the co-design of solutions for global sustainability. The GLP Scientific Steering Committee contributes to the implementation of research to advance sustainability transformations worldwide.
Group Leader: Global Education Program (GEP) (Since 2014 to present): The Global Education Project (GEP) is a community run by international students (leaders) who create a global village and support the mission together with LbE Japan, which provides the program, and create learning and awareness through collaboration with participants.